MATLAB: Multi-line Titles in LaTeX on Response Plots


So by combining several tips and tricks from past articles on this website, I have come up with the some code in an attempt to make multi-line titles of multiple step responses (subplots) in one figure with a variable that changes. All of this inside a for loop. Then I got stuck.
Basically what it boils down to: A regular plot can accept multiple-line titles but these response plots cannot. The following code will do what I need it to do:
title({'First line','Second line'})
However, this will not (where sys is a transfer function)
title({'First line','Second line'})
This throws errors:
??? Parameter must be a string.
Error in ==> ctrluis.axesgroup.addbypass>localTitle at 25
this.Title = string;
Error in ==> mwbypass at 18
hh = feval(fcn{:},varargin{:});
Error in ==> title at 38
h = mwbypass(ax,'MWBYPASS_title',string,pvpairs{:});
Error in ==> title at 23
h = title(gca,varargin{:});
For those who want to pursue what I am doing, here's all of my code:
format long
syms s;
t = 1:0.01:10;
omega_n = 2.47;
zeta = [0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0];
for i = 1:length(zeta)
N = omega_n^2;
D = s^2 + 2*zeta(i)*omega_n*s + omega_n^2;
sys = simplify(expand(N/D));
[N, D] = numden(sys);
num = sym2poly(N);
den = sym2poly(D);
sys = tf(num, den);
step(sys, t);
subtitle = cellstr(char(['\makebox[4in][c]{' 'Step Response of ' '$$G(s)$$}'],...
['\makebox[4in][c]{' '$$\omega_n=2.47$$' ' and ' '$$\zeta=' num2str(zeta(i)) '$$}']));
'FontSize', 12,...
'interpreter', 'latex',...
'FontName', 'Times')

Best Answer

Hey all, I found the answer. Newline character for use within parbox is '\\'
So the final code would look something like this:
subtitle = ['\parbox[b]{2in}{\centering Step Response of ' '$$G(s)$$\\ $$\omega_n=2.47$$' ' and ' '$$\zeta=' num2str(zeta(i)) '$$}'];
Just be careful with how many lines you put up in a subplot title. LaTeX isn't given much space for titles in Matlab (if any at all), so some of my text is cut off. You might need to adjust the FontSize of the text to get it all to display properly.
Thank you for all who helped.