MATLAB: Multi cpu trainign using trainignOptions


I am trying to train a deep neural network network over a large dataset (several GB) and I want to use multiple-cpu's to train the network as I have a lot more cpu cores and RAM than gpus to train the network. I have explored the pair
'ExecutionEnvironment', 'parallel'
But my computer defaults to training on the GPU and skips the remaining workers that I have initialized. There seems to be no way to stop training the network on multi-cpu instead of GPU which is possible if I don't have a GPU. I figured I have to software disable the GPU using nvidia tools which is cumbersome, is there an alternative to do it on MATLAB programatically? As I might run a secon training on GPU using another instance of MATLAB. Any help will be appreciated!
Naren Nallapareddy

Best Answer

Training a network on a single low-performance GPU is usually faster than training on multiple CPUs. So you will likely need a very large number of CPU cores to beat even a weak modern GPU.
If you still want to disable training using GPUs, then you can follow Options 2 in this answer:
and use setenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', ' ')