MATLAB: Multi computer parallel simulation

multi-computerParallel Computing Toolboxr2012b

Hi everyone,
I work on a network where a lot of computers are connected. Most of them use less than 5% of their CPU most of the time (word, firefox…etc) whereas mine runs long simulations on Matlab. By using the parallel toolbox, I managed to speed up my code and use my 4 cores. I would like to bring it to the next step and find a way to use all the cores of all the computers on the network. Is that possible ? (using Matlab 2012b and higher)
This way matlabpool would not only detect my 4 cores but also all the cores that are on the network.
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

To use MATLABPOOL with more than one computer, you need MATLAB Distributed Computing Server. With this, you'll need to set up some sort of scheduler system (one is included with MDCS) to manage the jobs running on those computers.