MATLAB: Multi bar labeling plot

barbar centerscentergrouped barlabel;plotxx valuexoffsetxtick

I want to label each three bars as p1, p2 and p3 for all at the base as the pic attached.. i appreciate any help someone can provide.

Best Answer

Here's how to locate the center of each grouped bar and label them. It uses an undocumented property "XOffset". This was developed and tested in r2019a.
xCnt are the bar centers.
% Generate grouped bar plot
v = randi(20,12,3);
h = bar(v,.8);
% Get group centers
xCnt = get(h(1),'XData') + cell2mat(get(h,'XOffset')); % XOffset is undocumented!
% Create Tick Labels
xLab = repmat({'p1','p2','p3'},1,numel(xCnt)/3);
% Set individual ticks
set(gca, 'XTick', sort(xCnt(:)), 'XTickLabel', xLab)
Alternatively, you could rotate the x tick labels
set(gca, 'XTick', sort(xCnt(:)), 'XTickLabel', xLab, 'xticklabelrotation', 90)
% Or use xtickangle():
The best solution would be to use a legend