MATLAB: Msgbox pop up behind GUI

guimessage boxmsgbox

I am trying to add a message box to serve as an instruction for my user of the GUI I made (Thanks to all your help with the process of making it!!)
I add the following line in my GUI's OpeningFcn:
msgbox('cool stuff', 'instrcution');
However this message box pop up behind my GUI and it very likely not to be seen at all by the user.
Is there a way to make my message box
  • pop up inside my GUI?
  • the user will have to read it and press ok to close it before using the GUI?
Thank you all for great help!

Best Answer

Move it into the Output_Fcn instead.
In the OpeningFcn it gets created before the GUI creation is completed so when that GUI creation does complete it takes over focus. The OutputFcn is called after GUI creation.