MATLAB: Moving players into teams – equal as possible random

equal random

hello all , i am a beginner at matlab , i have 33 players in my league , every player has an avg score ,
i want to insert the 33 players into 11 teams of 3 players each , i want the team_AVG to be as equal as possible . example output:
TEAM1=[player1(166.29),player5(156.57),player7(155.72)] –> TEAM1_AVG=159.53
TEAM2=[player2(171.29),player3(156.76),player4(155.67)] –> TEAM2_AVG=161.24
At the end of the year we want to reshuffle the teams.
i dont know where to start , how can i achieve this ??
thanks lampel.

Best Answer

Repeat several times: randperm(33), group by 3, use that to index averages, sum by team, std(), if lower than any found so far then remember the permutation