MATLAB: Moving average considering the first and end data points without changing window size, cyclic window

cyclicmeanmoving averagevector

How can you calculate moving average, where for edges, it uses the first and last data (cyclic) points instead of decreasing the window size. For example, if my window size = 10, and number of data points = 100, then for an moving average at point 1, it uses end 5 values at 100,99,98,97,96 and 2,3,4,5,6. Similarly, at point 2, it uses, 1,100,99,98,97 and 3,4,5,6,7 so on and so forth.

Best Answer

Try this
x = 1:100;
window_size = 11;
window = ones(1, window_size)/window_size;
y = cconv(x, window, numel(x));
y = circshift(y, -floor(window_size/2));
Without cconv
x = 1:100;
window_size = 11;
left_window = floor((window_size-1)/2);
right_window = floor((window_size)/2);
x = [x(end-left_window+1:end) x x(1:right_window)];
y = movmean(x, [left_window right_window], 'Endpoints', 'discard');