MATLAB: Movements of the descent vehicle in the atmosphere of Earth


I need help writting a Matlab script file, In the matlab I need to write the equations of motion of the space capsule that are as follows:
and I need the graph of time (x axis) vs speed (y axis).

Best Answer

You have four differential equations involving four variables: V, theta, H, and L. You have to solve these simultaneously since they depend on each other. You can't just pick the one you want and try to solve it by itself like this:
f = @(t,v) v*sind(theta);
You need an f that takes in a 4-element state vector containing V, theta, H, and L, and produces a 4-element derivative vector containing dV/dt, dtheta/dt, dH/dt, and dL/dt. Then that is used in your RK4 looping code.