MATLAB: Move file based on filename


I wonder if there is a quick way to move files based on its filename with MATLAB, for example I have 100 JPG files with names TC01.JPG, TC02.JPG, TC03.JPG, …
I want to move only five of them, which are TC05.JPG, TC11.JPG, TC19.JPG, TC87.JPG and TC89.JPG into a newly created folder
I know there is a movefile command to move file into new folder, but how can I do it simultaneously for multiple files with specific filename?
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

old = 'path to original folder';
new = 'path to destination folder';
C = {'TC05.JPG', 'TC11.JPG', 'TC19.JPG', 'TC87.JPG'};
for k = 1:numel(C)