MATLAB: Most recent value incremented variable from ‘while’ loop

hydrostatic pressurewhile loop

This code is meant to determine how low a cone will sink in water before the buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the cone. The buoyancy force is determined by summing the force on each area element and increasing the depth (increases the pressure) until the buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the cone. My code seems to be running ok as my while loop terminates when my "sumFz" is lower but similar in size to "'wCo", but when I go to retrieve the last 'z' (the depth) it just says it's zero. Can someone figure out why, please?
rhoFluid = 1000;
beta = 30*pi/180;
dtheta = pi/50;
mCo = 15;
wCo = g*mCo %Weight of cone
N = 100;
h = 0.5;
dz = h/N;
sumFz = wCo+1;
z = 0;
while sumFz <= wCo
pressure = rhoFluid*g*z;
for j = 1:N
r = z*tan(beta);
Fz(j) = pressure*1/2*r^2*dtheta*dz*cos(beta);
sumFz = sum(Fz,'all') %Total buoancy force at current depth
z = z+dz;

Best Answer

sumFz = wCo+1;
You initialize sumFz to be greater than wCo
while sumFz <= wCo
but your while only happens when sumFz is less than (or equal to) wCo . Which it never is, because you initialized it to be greater than.