MATLAB: Most Frequent numbers in a Matrix

matrixmost frequentnumber

Good night all,
I hope you call help me with this question.
I have a matrix like this in Matlab.
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 1
2012 1 1 1
Now I want to get the most frequent number in groups of 4 rows. For example;
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 1

Best Answer

Perhaps you want the unique() function:
A=[2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 0
2012 1 1 1
2012 1 1 1];
[C,ia,ic] = unique(A,'rows')
Well, at least it gives you what you asked for, for the matrix you gave. C is exactly what you said the output should be.