MATLAB: Most constrasting colormap for multi-line plots


Hi everyone
I'm having a very frustrating time trying to get constrating colormaps for multiline plots.
For people with poor eyesight like me, it's very hard to tell the difference between the lines.
Here's an example using a very boring default scheme
x = linspace(0,1,101);
y(1,:) = x.^2;
y(2,:) = x.^2.2;
y(3,:) = x.^2.4;
h = plot(x,y)
Colors = get(h,'Color');
What I'd really like, ideally, is an algorithm that delivers, for given n, a list of n colors that will have in some sense maximum pairwise contrast between colors. Doubt if this is possible, but any recommendations for something better than what I have would be most appreciated
Thanks for any advise

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