MATLAB: Morphing a face into a vector

Computer Vision Toolboxfacefacial recognitionfeature vectormorphingvector

I'm currently taking up Vector Analysis and is currently working on a research paper. Is there a way, using matlab, wherein I can input a face picture of someone and represent that face as a vector? I was planning on inputting numerous faces, representing each as a vector, take the average of those vectors and use it as a basis. I would then input a separate face, represent it as a vector and compare it with the basis to compute for the difference.
Basically, I want to create a program/code and database of faces, and when I input an individual's face, the program would output the percentage as to how similar that face is with the database.
Thanks, in advance.

Best Answer

Yes. If the face is stored in YourFaceArray then
YourFaceVector = YourFaceArray(:);
You will probably find in practice that you instead want to do feature extraction, but you could certainly true with complete faces.
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