MATLAB: Modifying pretraind Neural Network

input layer modificationnetwork designer app.

I plan to use a pretrained net such as alexnet, with input image of 227*227*5 . I exported the net to the Network Designer App. and changed the input and first convulution layers according to my requirements. I analyzed the archirecture and it seems perfect. Can I trust the new network to be a good starting point or I'm naive?

Best Answer

Since the convolution2dLayer and imageInputLayer have been replaced, the output of the ImageInputLayer would be different now because initially for the zero-center nomalization the mean used was different and also the features extracted/output from the replaced convolution layer would be different and may not be useful. If you are training the network on the new dataset with image input size 227*227*5 then above all doesn't matter. Instead if you are using it for feature extraction & your data is very different from the original data, then the features extracted deeper in the network might be less useful for your task.
Here are few suggestions while retrianing:
  1. Try freezing the weights of the original layers by setting the WeightLearnRateFactor and BiasLearnRateFactor to zero for convolution2dLayer and the same WeightLearnRateFactor & BiasLearnRateFactor for the fullyConnectedLayer too.
  2. Or retrain the complete network without freezing weights of any particular layers.
Refer to Pretrained Deep Neural Networks for more information.
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