MATLAB: Modify Transition condition of Stateflow with script

modify transition condition of stateflow with script

Hello Everyone, Is it possible to modify a transition condition of Stateflow with m-file script? maybe someting similar to set_param? Thanks a lot

Best Answer

There is a way to modify a transition condition in Stateflow.
To do that, you will need to use the Stateflow API. You can find a quick start guide in the following documentation link:
When you reach step 6 of this example, you will notice that you can modify the LabelString property of the transition. There you can set it equal to a condition. For example:
trans1_2.LabelString = '[u>0]'
assuming that trans1_2 is the transition handle.
Given that, you first need to find that handle. In the following documentation page:
you can find information on how to access Stateflow Objects programmatically. Specifically, the following command:
transArray = sA.find('-isa','Stateflow.Transition');
returns an array of all the transitions. Using that, you can find the handle you are looking for, and then modify the LabelString property to your needs.