MATLAB: Modify then write data in the given format

data manipulationfixed widthfixed-formatnon-delimitedreading fileswriting files

Hi, I will start with a brief overview of what I am trying to achieve in this code.
I have a sample piece of data I want manipulate below. It stores the xyz coordinates and velocities of atoms in solution.
1SOL OW 1 4.309 5.254 4.135 -0.2790 0.3440 0.2064
1SOL HW1 2 4.314 5.169 4.082 -1.5406 0.3918 -0.0293
1SOL HW2 3 4.388 5.312 4.114 -1.3375 0.9272 -2.6151
2SOL OW 4 1.743 1.687 2.366 0.2136 0.2777 0.3181
2SOL HW1 5 1.818 1.750 2.387 0.3115 0.1542 0.3431
4502OCTA H13545 2.108 5.326 1.045 -1.2169 0.4890 -2.6144
4502OCTA H13546 2.068 5.492 1.036 0.7609 0.6650 0.8612
4502OCTA H13547 2.285 5.388 1.207 3.0144 2.5562 1.0920
4502OCTA H13548 2.121 5.425 1.265 -1.2460 -1.3635 1.4829
4502OCTA Oc13549 2.131 5.677 1.238 -0.0183 -0.0221 -1.0402
4502OCTA Oh13550 2.353 5.635 1.208 -0.6036 0.2241 -0.8140
4502OCTA H13551 2.383 5.198 0.399 0.4893 0.7154 -0.9915
4502OCTA Ho13552 2.413 5.565 1.189 -0.4685 -0.0421 -2.1107
What I need to do is add a specific value, for instance add 1 to the numbers in the columns 4 and 5 and rows 3 to 8. Basically, I want to translate the positions of certain atoms. It is important that I keep the original file's format.
There were two challenging aspects to this code: The first being that the second and the third column merge when the numbers in the third column (atom IDs) go into the 5 digits. I've worked around that, albeit not elegantly.
The second issue which I haven't been able to solve is how to write the new coordinates into a file. Matlab ignores the empty spaces before each row begins, and ignores the spaces in between the columns, and ignores the spaces after the rows end. I've tried using horzcat, mat2str, strcat, and maybe some others without success. I will leave my code below for you to examine.
function output = Gro_editor(filename, x1, y1, y2,addval)
%Initialize Values%
filend = 0;
fin = 0;
data = cell(15,22);
Xpos = 1; %X-coordinate
Ypos = 1; %Y-coordinate
%Open and get permission to write target file%
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
if fid == -1
disp('Could not open file');
disp('File Open...');
%Index the entire file with meaningful partitions.
%First 15 are indexed individually, following seven are read as blocks.
while filend == 0
if Xpos < 16
data(Ypos,Xpos) = {cellstr(fscanf(fid,'%c',1))};
elseif Xpos > 15
data(Ypos,Xpos) = {fscanf(fid,'%f',1)};
if Xpos == 22
Xpos = 1;
Ypos = Ypos + 1;
elseif Xpos < 22
Xpos = Xpos + 1;
if Ypos == 20
filend = 1;
closeresult = fclose(fid);
if closeresult == 0
disp('File closed')
disp('File close unsuccessful')
%Writing new cell array
while fin == 0
data{y1,x1} = data{y1,x1}+addval
if y1 < y2
y1 = y1+1;
elseif y1 == y2
fin = 1;
%So far so good. I don't know what I am doing after here.%
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
[nrows,ncols] = size(data);
formatSpec = '%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n';
for row = 1:nrows
for col = 1:ncols
line = horzcat(data(nrows,1:15))
type output.txt

Best Answer

The documentation of textscan doesn't cover fixed-width very well. However, textscan has "undocumented"/hidden capabilities.
  • Read the first three columns to one string, since they shall only be copied to the output file.
  • Read the following six columns to a double array.
  • Add 1 to the prescribed elements of the array
  • Use the same format string to write the data (don't forget new-line)
Run example code (I use R2013b)
function fixed_width_format( N )
fid = fopen( 'fixed_width_format.txt' );
format_spec = '%20s%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f';
cac = textscan( fid, format_spec, N ...
, 'Whitespace' , '' ...
, 'Delimiter' , '' ...
, 'CollectOutput' , true );
fclose( fid );
RowHead = cac{1};
Data = cac{2};
% add 1 to the numbers in the columns 4 and 5 and rows 3 to 8.
Data( 3:8, 4:5 ) = Data( 3:8, 4:5 ) + 1;
fid = fopen( 'fixed_width_format_out.txt', 'w' );
for rr = 1 : N
fprintf( fid, [format_spec,'\n'], RowHead{rr}, Data(rr,:) );
fclose( fid );
and where fixed_width_format.txt contains
1SOL OW 1 4.309 5.254 4.135 -0.2790 0.3440 0.2064
1SOL HW1 2 4.314 5.169 4.082 -1.5406 0.3918 -0.0293
1SOL HW2 3 4.388 5.312 4.114 -1.3375 0.9272 -2.6151
2SOL OW 4 1.743 1.687 2.366 0.2136 0.2777 0.3181
2SOL HW1 5 1.818 1.750 2.387 0.3115 0.1542 0.3431
4502OCTA H13545 2.108 5.326 1.045 -1.2169 0.4890 -2.6144
4502OCTA H13546 2.068 5.492 1.036 0.7609 0.6650 0.8612
4502OCTA H13547 2.285 5.388 1.207 3.0144 2.5562 1.0920
4502OCTA H13548 2.121 5.425 1.265 -1.2460 -1.3635 1.4829
4502OCTA Oc13549 2.131 5.677 1.238 -0.0183 -0.0221 -1.0402
4502OCTA Oh13550 2.353 5.635 1.208 -0.6036 0.2241 -0.8140
4502OCTA H13551 2.383 5.198 0.399 0.4893 0.7154 -0.9915
4502OCTA Ho13552 2.413 5.565 1.189 -0.4685 -0.0421 -2.1107
--- 0---|--- 10---|--- 20---|--- 30---|--- 40---|--- 50---|--- 60---
and where fixed_width_format_out.txt contains
1SOL OW 1 4.309 5.254 4.135 -0.2790 0.3440 0.2064
1SOL HW1 2 4.314 5.169 4.082 -1.5406 0.3918 -0.0293
1SOL HW2 3 4.388 5.312 4.114 -0.3375 1.9272 -2.6151
2SOL OW 4 1.743 1.687 2.366 1.2136 1.2777 0.3181
2SOL HW1 5 1.818 1.750 2.387 1.3115 1.1542 0.3431
4502OCTA H13545 2.108 5.326 1.045 -0.2169 1.4890 -2.6144
4502OCTA H13546 2.068 5.492 1.036 1.7609 1.6650 0.8612
4502OCTA H13547 2.285 5.388 1.207 4.0144 3.5562 1.0920
4502OCTA H13548 2.121 5.425 1.265 -1.2460 -1.3635 1.4829
4502OCTA Oc13549 2.131 5.677 1.238 -0.0183 -0.0221 -1.0402
4502OCTA Oh13550 2.353 5.635 1.208 -0.6036 0.2241 -0.8140
4502OCTA H13551 2.383 5.198 0.399 0.4893 0.7154 -0.9915
4502OCTA Ho13552 2.413 5.565 1.189 -0.4685 -0.0421 -2.1107
Finally, does this example rely on undocumented features of textscan?
Addendum triggered by comment
>> data = fixed_width_format(7);
>> data(1:5,:)
ans =
4.3090 5.2540 4.1350 -0.2790 0.3440 0.2064
4.3140 5.1690 4.0820 -1.5406 0.3918 -0.0293
4.3880 5.3120 4.1140 -0.3375 1.9272 -2.6151
1.7430 1.6870 2.3660 1.2136 1.2777 0.3181
1.8180 1.7500 2.3870 1.3115 1.1542 0.3431
>> data(6:7,:)
ans =
0 111 111111 1222222 2222333 3333333
123456 789012 345678 9012345 6789012 3456789
function data = fixed_width_format(N)
fid = fopen( 'fixed_width_format_dpb.txt' );
format_spec = '%6f%6f%6f%7f%7f%7f';
cac = textscan( fid, format_spec, N ...
, 'Whitespace' , '' ...
, 'Delimiter' , '' ...
, 'CollectOutput' , true );
fclose( fid );
data = cac{1};
and where fixed_width_format_dpb.txt contains
4.309 5.254 4.135-0.2790 0.3440 0.2064
4.314 5.169 4.082-1.5406 0.3918-0.0293
4.388 5.312 4.114-0.3375 1.9272-2.6151
1.743 1.687 2.366 1.2136 1.2777 0.3181
1.818 1.750 2.387 1.3115 1.1542 0.3431