MATLAB: Modify Tab Order of App Designer GUI

app designertabuifigure

I have a need to modify the tabbing order of a GUI developed with App Designer. I attempted to use uistack to change the order of the figure's children, but this function is apparently not supported with uifigure.

Best Answer

This is obviously way after you needed this but I hope this helps someone!
So I was having the same problem, and I stumbled on this workaround:
Summary: cutting and pasting (ctrl+x then ctrl+v) any "component," such as a label, button, table, etc. maintains its previous location and places that element at the bottom of the list in the component browser. It just so happens that the order components appear in the component browser, from top to bottom, is the same order in which you tab through those components when your run your app.
Thus if you cut and paste every element in the order you want to tab in, you will have succesfully reordered your tabbing order! A bonus is that you probably now have your component browser reorderd in a slightly more logical way...
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