MATLAB: Modify choices for a ListBox Callback


I would like know how I could simplify(modify) the hSelecVarIndCallback function. I want to avoid the repetition of the choices string for each case and be able to get an automatic choice of the string individual value.
function example
fh = figure;
hPan = uipanel(fh,'title','Main Panel','Units','characters',...
'Position',[2.307 0 52 30],'FontSize',10,'FontWeight',...
hInd = uipanel('Parent',hPan,'title','Variable(s)','Units',...
'normalized','Position',[0 0.587 1 0.344],'FontSize',9,...
hSelecVarInd = uicontrol(hInd,'Style','popupmenu','Units','normalized',...
'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'},...
'Value',1,'Position',[0.25 0.275 0.5 0.5],'FontSize',9,'Callback',...
hDep = uipanel(hPan,'title','Variable(s) Dependiente(s)','Units',...
'normalized','Position',[0 0 1 0.5],'FontSize',9,'FontAngle','italic');
hDeplb = uicontrol(hDep,'Style','listbox','Units','normalized',...
'String',{'Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'},...
'Position',[0 0 1 1],'FontSize',9);
function hSelecVarIndCallback(src,evt)
val = get(hSelecVarInd,'Value');
if (val == 1)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'});
elseif (val == 2)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'});
elseif (val == 3)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'});
elseif (val == 4)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'});
elseif (val == 5)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 5','Var 6'});
elseif (val == 6)
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 6'});
set(hDeplb,'String',{'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5'});

Best Answer

S = {'Time','Var 1','Var 2','Var 3','Var 4','Var 5','Var 6'};
set(hDeplb, 'String', S(setdiff(1:length(S),val)) );
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