MATLAB: Models based on singular value decomposion

MATLABsingular value decompositionssvd

Im new in matlab and im trying to write a code that can creat models based on svd with 100 * 10 matrix of dataset to estimate values ​​that user wants.
So is it possible in matlab and how should i start?
Dataset is in excel file, how can i use that data in matlab?

Best Answer

load your dataset from your excel file using this command: "A = csvread(filename)".
then you can do anything and ofcourse matlab has a svd function. "[U,S,V] = svd(A)".
matlab is a powerful tool of matrix and array manipulation, data optimization, and equation solvers.
if you are a beginner in matlab programming, start by matrix and array indexing and manipulating, "if statements", "for and while loops". the rest you get used to it.