MATLAB: Modelling Rope in Simulink/Simscape


Good day everyone, I want to simulate the following system:
Later the mass will be a multibody figure. But for getting started I wanted to start as easy as possible. So I want to model the mass in Simscape Multibody and the Motor in Simscape Mechanics. But how do I merge both Simscape libraries together so that the force from the motor will effect the mass. And how do I model the rope between both? Thanks

Best Answer

Hi jacko11,
There are many ways to connect Simscape mechanical libraries and Simscape Multibody. I have created a simple example that I believe does what you are looking for. Below is a screenshot of the model
For more examples showing how to connect Simscape 1D elements and Simscape Multibody 3D models, download the Simscape Multibody Multiphysics Library.
The example I supplied uses the Rack-and-Pinion Constraint. For more examples showing how to use the gear constraints, along with parameterized parts, download the Simscape Multibody Parts Library.
Good luck with your modeling project!
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