MATLAB: Model an hybrid system (continuous + discrete)


Hello, I am trying to model an hybrid system (continuous + discrete). The continuous part is described as a first order system of equations. Whereas the behaviour of the discrete part is given by an automata in which the transition conditions depend on some variables of the state vector of the continuous part. I tried to use the euler method to discretize the continuous part; But I failed to get the right behaviour of the overall system. Do you have any idea how can i solve this issue. is it possible to use simulink(I am a beginner in). Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can connect your continuous model to your discrete one by a quantizer block. The output of your continuous model is connected to a quantizer block and the output of the quantizer block will be connected to your discrete model. If there is a feedback, you can connect the output of your discrete model to a zoh block which will be connected to your continuous model
Continuous model------->Quantizer--------->discrete model
Discrete model---------> zoh block-------> continuous model