MATLAB: Modbus RTU Slave TI C2000

c2000delfinodspEmbedded Coderf28335modbusrtu

I am programming a DSP model Delfino F28335 using Texas Intruments C2000 tool. I have successfully programmed CAN bus protocol using the embedded coder block. Now I would like to program it as a Modbus RTU slave, or TCP server.
The available blocks for DSP are SCI TX and RX. Is there any tool which help me building the Modbus message, like CAN block?
On the other hand, is it possible to use Modbus Instrument Control Toolbox in Simulink?
Thank you,

Best Answer

Hi Francisco,
We don't have out-of-the-box support for Modbus.
I think that you could implement it on your own, either with our SCI blocks or by writing S-functions.
It would be a great addition to the file exchange as it's not the first time we hear people interested in Modbus.
Here is a github repo where a user as implemented a modbus slave solution on F28335:
I hope it helps,
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