MATLAB: Mobility for the Transmitter and Receiver units in 802.11p and 802.11ac models

WLAN Toolbox

How can mobility be assigned to the Tx (transmitter) and Rx (receiver) units in case of the 802.11p and 802.11ac protocols in the WLAN System Toolbox?
For instance, in case of the 802.11p Packet Error Rate simulation for a Vehicular channel example, how can the speed and direction in which the Tx and Rx are moving be fixed?
Also, in case of the 802.11ac Packet Error Rate simulation for 8×8 TGac channel example, the property 'TransmitReceiveDistance' is used to fix the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. How can mobility be assigned to these units?

Best Answer

Most, if not all, of the propagation channels under the WLAN System Toolbox (and other toolboxes for that matter) assume that one end (either transmission or reception) is fixed. As such, it is not possible to assign a velocity at both ends of the channel.
One exception to this rule would be the Scattering MIMO channel from the Phased Array System Toolbox (phased.ScatteringMIMOChannel). This channel lets the user assign the following properties: 'TransmitArrayMotionSource', 'TransmitArrayPosition', 'ReceiveArrayMotionSource', and 'ReceiveArrayPosition'. Please see the following link for more information:
However, this is not a statistical model like the 'wlanTGacChannel'. This channel model requires the user to define a number of reflectors or scatterers by their location. These scatterer locations can also be mobile.
For the 802.11ac channel model, the 'wlanTGacChannel' does not have an intrinsic awareness of location. This means that the 'TransmitReceiveDistance' is not something that gets updated as time goes by to reflect any particular speed and direction. However, the user can manually update the distance to reflect the actual distance after a given time for the location, speed, and directions of the cars that are being simulated. Hence, if this information can be computed externally, the model parameters can be updated accordingly. The model does not "know" about the direction of travel and location.
For the 802.11p model, the V2V channel in the example has 5 built-in scenarios that come from the paper referenced inside the channel model. Those scenarios are hard-coded and for each scenario, the power delay profile and the Doppler shift per path are defined. For example:
case 'Highway LOS'
pathDelays = [0 100 167 500]*1e-9;
avgPathGains = [0 -10 -15 -20];
dopplerShifts = [0 689 -492 886];
For simulating a particular scenario with a given speed and direction, the parameter values will have to be set accordingly including the per-path Doppler. Even in this case, there is nothing in the channel model that intrinsically links the model to a geographical location with the speed and direction of the transmitter and the receiver.
Finally, if the channel model does not involve the ability to set separate Doppler shifts for each path, the basic comm.MIMOChannel model can certainly fit the bill, although similar to the previous channel models there is no awareness of location or direction built into the channel. The Doppler spread will have to be manually set to reflect the scenario under consideration. Please refer to the following link for more information: