MATLAB: Mixed integer optimization problem

continuous numbediscrete numberinteger numbermixed integer optimization problemreal number

I wish to examine cantileverVolume.m and cantileverConstraints.m to see how the fitness and constraint functions are implemented. Are the complete codes for these two files available? Where can I find them?
Are my following definitions and examples correct?
a) Integer number means numbers without decimal points eg. -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 etc
b) Real number is also called continuous number and is also called discrete number which means numbers with decimal points e.g -3.123, -2.123, 1.456, 2.456 etc

Best Answer

a) Integer number means numbers without decimal points eg. -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 etc
b) Real number is also called continuous number and is also called discrete number which means numbers with decimal points e.g -3.123, -2.123, 1.456, 2.456 etc
A real number is a number whos square is non-negative,
>> arealnumber=-3, (arealnumber)^2
arealnumber =
ans =
>> notarealnumber=i, (notarealnumber)^2
notarealnumber =
0 + 1.0000i
ans =