MATLAB: Mixed character Tab delimited csv file read in

file importmixed character

Hi I have a CSV file which has two tab seperated columns (according to excel).
I'm looking for a way to read this in. The problem is that there are a number of 'sections' within the file that follow on from one another, each with their varying number of header lines (please see screenshots).
I'd like to just read in the numeric data and be able to seperate these into columns as at the moment because of the text portions I'm unable to successully use importdata/readtable etc functions. I have also tried [ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(filename); but the numeric data is read in as text as it is delimited.

Best Answer

fm1 = '#%s%[^\n\r]';
op1 = {'CollectOutput',true, 'Delimiter',':'};
fm2 = '"%f%f"';
op2 = {'CollectOutput',true};
hdr = {};
dat = {};
[fid,msg] = fopen('Lunghypo.csv','rt');
while ~feof(fid)
hdr(end+1) = textscan(fid,fm1,op1{:});
dat(end+1) = textscan(fid,fm2,op2{:});
ans = 6×2 cell array
{'PatientName' } {'LungHypo005' } {'PatientId' } {'LungHypo005' } {'Dosename' } {'Plan dose: 30Gy in 5 (CT 1)'} {'RoiName' } {'External' } {'Roi volume fraction outside grid'} {'0%' } {'Dose unit' } {'cGy' }
ans = 402×2
0 100.0000 0 100.0000 0 99.5000 0 99.0000 0 98.5000 0 98.0000 0 97.5000 0 97.0000 0 96.5000 0 96.0000
ans = 3×2 cell array
{'RoiName' } {'PRVcord'} {'Roi volume fraction outside grid'} {'0%' } {'Dose unit' } {'cGy' }
ans = 402×2
0 100.0000 0 100.0000 0 99.5000 0 99.0000 0 98.5000 0 98.0000 0 97.5000 0 97.0000 0 96.5000 0 96.0000