MATLAB: Misunderstanding InputParser Validation Behavior


I seem to be confused as to the proper implementation of the inputParser when it comes to input validation. Consider the following function:
function out = testInputParser(varargin)
ip = inputParser;
ip.addParameter('x', [], @double);
out = ip.Results.x;
These cases work as expected:
% Should pass:
>> testInputParser('x', 123)
ans =
% Should fail:
>> testInputParser('x', '123')
Error using testInputParser (line 5)
The value of 'x' is invalid. It must satisfy the function:
…But then why do these cases NOT work?
% Expected to pass, but fails
testInputParser('x', -123)
Error using testInputParser (line 5)
The value of 'x' is invalid. It must satisfy the function:
% Expected to fail, but passes
>> testInputParser('x', 'a')
ans =
I can avoid some of this heartburn by using @isnumeric for my input validator, but I also want to ensure I've got doubles and not, say, int16 values coming in.
So, this seems like strange behavior to me. What am I missing?

Best Answer

@double is not an input validation function: it just takes the input and converts to double datatype. Whatever test is being done internally appears to accept positive results from the validation function.
You should be using a validation function such as @(x) isa(x, 'double') or @isfloat if single precision is also acceptable.