MATLAB: Missing `suptitle` and `writeVideo` functions


Hello everybody out there using MATLAB,
It seems as I would miss the suptitle and writeVideo functions, but they should be included in the latest MATLAB version (2019a) by default, right?
>> suptitle
Undefined function or variable 'suptitle'.
>> writeVideo
Undefined function or variable 'writeVideo'.
>> which writeVideo
'writeVideo' not found.
>> methods(vid)
Undefined function or variable 'vid'.
How could I make sure my path is set correctly?
Did I forget to load a toolbox?
Which additional diagnostics could I run to pin down the problem?

Best Answer

'suptitle' is included as part of a demo in the Bioinformatics Toolbox.Make sure you have that toolbox installed and its included in the search path.
As for 'writeVideo', you must call OPEN(OBJ) before calling 'writeVideo'.Executing the commands in the below order will give you access to the help documenattion for writeVideo:
>> v = VideoWriter('myFile','Archival');
>> open(v);
>> help writeVideo
You can go through an example usage of 'writeVideo' by typing:
>> openExample('matlab/WriteImageToMotionJPEG2000FileExample')