MATLAB: Missing nib files in deployed GUIDE program on Mac result in defunct app

compilerguidemacMATLABMATLAB Compilermcrmwopenaccessoryviewnib

Hello everyone,
I have a problem with the Matlab deploytool, R2011a on Mac OS X 10.6.7. I am trying to deploy a MatLab GUIDE program. Compilation finishes without errors or warnings. When I launch the app from Finder, the main GUI window opens. So far so good. But: When the program should eventually open the uigetfile dialog, nothing happens.
Now, when I start the program from Terminal, I get this error message:
2011-05-06 00:16:02.258 figure1[6828:903] unable to find nib named: MWOpenAccessoryView in bundle path: (null) 2011-05-06 00:16:02.266 figure1[6828:903] -[NSViewController loadView] could not load the "MWOpenAccessoryView" nib.
So apparently there are some nib files missing from the package. When opening the application in Finder and browsing to "Contents/Resources/English.lproj", there is indeed only "MainMenu.nib".
I found a dirty little workaround, which will result in a working program: The missing .nib files can in fact be found in the "Contents/Resources/English.lproj" folder of the MatLab app! When I copy them over to my freshly deployed app, it will work.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Thanks for your help, F

Best Answer

I filed a bug report on this. It seems to be a problem with MATLAB compiler 4.15 - the dev team seems to know about this and it will be fixed in R2010b. Apparently there are no further workarounds. Looks like I will be stuck with this problem for a few months. Maybe, using some alternative file open dialog from file exchange could bridge the waiting time until R2010b.