MATLAB: Missing matlabprefs.mat in MatLab 2013b install


Hi, I have recently installed MatLab 2013b on a new virtual machine using a trial license that was subsequently upgraded to a full license. One thing I noticed is that the matlabprefs.mat file under c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\mathworks\matlab\r2013b\ directory is missing. There is a matlab.prf file generated.
I have tried deleting the r2013b folder and restarting matlab. Rebooting the machine as well. However the matlabprefs.mat file just refuse to appear. A search on Google didn't yield any results either.
Would someone please help and let me know what the problem might be?

Best Answer

The file gets created upon calling setpref. You can try running the setpref example in the documentation and check inside prefdir again.
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