MATLAB: Missing “Generate Function” in Regression Learner App

MATLABMATLAB Online Serverregressionregression learner app

Hi all,
I wish to generate MATLAB code for the trained model using Regression Learner App, just as instructed in (
But unfortunately, the "Generate Function" option is missing in my MATLAB UI, as shown below:
I'm using , with MATLAB R2020b(9.9.0) Version 21.0.
Thus my questions are:
1. Why should I find the respective "Generate Function" option?
2. If (1) not applicable in the version i used, is there other way to generate the MATLAB code out from the Regression Learner App??

Best Answer

The ‘Generate Function’ option is unavailable on MATLAB Online as of R2020b. This will be available starting R2021a.
Currently, there’s no workaround for this option in MATLAB Online. It should work on MATLAB Desktop.