MATLAB: Missing Functions R2013a installation

missing functionr2013a installation

I recently upgraded (from R2009a) to R2013a. When I run some of my scripts I'm getting "Undefined function of variable… " errors. For example when I call 'decimate' I get the error: Undefined function 'zp2ss' for input arguments of type 'double'.
I was able to find the zp2ss function in my 2009a polyfun toolbox but it was not in any of my 2013a toolboxes. I have similar problems with mab2db and abcdchk. Was there some kind of problem with my installation?

Best Answer

zp2ss is in the Signal Processing Toolbox. If you do not have this installed or licensed then it will nto work. The same for abcdchk I believe.
mat2db is not something we ship to my knowledge but might come from here:
FEX Make sure it's on your path
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