MATLAB: Missing C280x Simulink Target Block of Texas Instruments C2000 processor

Embedded Coderembedded coder support package ti c2000/c280xsimulinktarget block c280x

I am interfacing Matlab_2015b with Code Composer Studio (CCSv5) for DSP board TMS320F2808, for this required all the setting between Matlab & CCS. I installed the "Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors".
When building Simulation for DSP C280x processor, first required a Target Block C280x configuration, but not finding Target Block C280x. I seen all other peripheral block present inside the Embedded Coder Support Package TI C2000 Simulink library but the Target Simulink Block of C280x not present.
Kindly suggest me where get this Target Simulink Block C280x DSP series.

Best Answer

It should be there, it's a block library (not a single block), and located in the upper left of the Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors. See image below how to get there from Simulink. You can also type c280xlib at the MATLAB Command line to open it.