MATLAB: Mismatched plot when editing the x-axis

MATLABplotsimulinkx axis

This is the code I ued when opening a plot in matlab command from simulink.
plot(out.x(:,1), out.x(:,2), out.x(:,1), out.x(:,3), out.x(:,1), out.x(:,4))
The x-axis runs from 0-100, which I want to change to 1960:1.49:2060
I used
so that they cover the same length.
plot(timedata, out.x(:,2), timedata, out.x(:,3), timedata, out.x(:,4));
I am not sure why there is a difference between the two graph? There shouldn't be apart from the x-axis.

Best Answer

out.x(:,1) is not evenly spaced. Plot it by itself and you will see. Or look at diff(out.x(:,1))