MATLAB: Minimum and maximum values of a field in a structure array

min max of a field in a structure

Hi. I have a strcuture array with 10 fields. How can, I find the minumum and maximum values of a particular field f1? I tried uisng min and max commands but, they are giving wrong results.
For example,
The name of the structure array is "Test" (1 x 5000) and the field name is "growth". I want the minimum and maximum of the whole field growth.
Test(1).growth=[1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9];
Test(2).growth=[10 20 40 67];
….. so on.
I want the maximum and the minimum of the field "growth".

Best Answer

arrayfun(@(s) min(s.f1), s)