MATLAB: Minimize a function to a desired value


Hello everyone, i need your help 🙂
I have a function that returns a vector D and a vector of variables L. i want to minimise D starting from an initial vectror L0.
I am using "lsqnonlin". L=lsqnonlin(fun,L0,lb,ub).
it works perfectly, however i want D to be minimised to a certain value that i define. The bounds of the solver are set for L not D.
So my question is: how do i define the value of D to be minimised to?
i hope i was clear enough. i cant give the code since it is a very big one.
Thanks in advance 🙂

Best Answer

"D to be minimised to a certain value" -- so you don't actually want to minimize your function but instead want to find a solution to the system of equations fun(x) = certain_value [or to write it another way, fun(x) - certain_value = 0? In that case, take a look at fsolve instead of lsqnonlin.