MATLAB: Minimization of two variables

2 variable minimizationMATLAB

I cant seem to figure this out on my own. I need to minimize the following function where xi and yi are given data sets (points in 2D),
f(x,y) = minimize{maximize[sqrt((xi-x)^2+(yi-y)^2)]-minimize[sqrt((xi-x)^2+(yi-y)^2)]}
I will need to find x,y.

Best Answer

Here is an example for your problem, which you can refer
xiyi = [0,1;
-1 2];
x0 = zeros(size(xiyi));
fun = @(x) max(sqrt((x(:,1)-xiyi(:,1)).^2 + (x(:,2)-xiyi(:,2)).^2))...
- min(sqrt((x(:,1)-xiyi(:,1)).^2 + (x(:,2)-xiyi(:,2)).^2));
xsol = fminsearch(fun,x0)
It is assumed that xi and yi are the first and second column of vector xiyi (in the code).
The solution (x,y) will be stored in xsol.