MATLAB: Micro aneurysm and hemorrhage detection for diabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathyeyefundusImage Processing Toolboxophthalmologyretina

Hi..I'm working in red lesion detection in fundus images for retinopathy detection. It includes hemorrhages and micro aneurysms. I tried working with eigenvalue vectors. but not able to proceed further because of its complexity. Later i tried just using morphological operators but it isn't that robust as it cant give good results with many images. Is there anyone who tried similar methods? or anyone working with Diabetic Retinopathy detection? Pls help with some ideas. Got to finish this soon. pls reply asap.

Best Answer

Hey, we are also working on an early detection of diabetic retinopathy. We also focus on micro aneurysms. We have found in the literature some possible ways for a detection. Have you tried some operations like the ones mentioned here: If you're interested, we can share results. BR
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