MATLAB: Mex -setup OK but still can’t compile


Hi, I am trying to get this project running:
I have MATLAB R2018b, and I have installed MinGW-w64 support through this add on:
Running "mex -setup" for both C or C++ seems to work, with output: "MEX configured to use 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)' for C language compilation. …"
The command "getenv('MW_MINGW64_LOC')" returns correctly: 'C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2018b\3P.instrset\mingw_w64.instrset'
The github installation steps are just to install MATLAB, install CUDA, install a MEX compiler, and run the "Compile.m" file.
CUDA seems to be correctly installed, the command "getenv('CUDA_PATH')" returns correctly: "'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0'"
However when running the "Compile.m" file, the following error happens:
It seems as if "mex -setup" finds MinGW correctly but when trying to compile it fails.
I am running MATLAB in Windows 10, as Administrator.
Any ideas? Thanks!

Best Answer

You mex -setup for C but not for C++
However you mention the instructions are to install CUDA. If you are going to be trying to compile programs that use the GPU then you cannot use MinGW. See and notice that GPU coder does not support MinGW.