MATLAB: Mex – output error, Make file

MATLABmex fortran make file -output

Hello, I receive an error when trying to run my make file and wanted to see if anyone could spot what was wrong. The error I receive is
" Warning: -output ignored (no MEX-file is being created)."
My code is as follows:
NWTC_LIB = 'G:\Trial Aerodyn\NWTC';
WIND_LOC = 'G:\Trial Aerodyn\InflowWind';
AERODYN_LOC = 'G:\Trial Aerodyn';
'-f','intelf12msvs2010opts.bat', ...
[NWTC_LIB '\DoubPrec.f90' ], ...
[NWTC_LIB '\SysMatlab.f90' ], ...
[NWTC_LIB '\NWTC_IO.f90' ], ...
[NWTC_LIB '\NWTC_Num.f90' ], ...
[NWTC_LIB '\NWTC_Aero.f90' ], ...
[NWTC_LIB '\NWTC_Library.f90' ], ...
[AERODYN_LOC '\SharedTypes.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\SharedInflowDefs.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\UserWind.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\HHWind.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\HAWCWind.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\FFWind.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\FDWind.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\CTWind.f90' ], ...
[AERODYN_LOC '\AeroMods.f90' ], ...
[WIND_LOC '\InflowWindMod.f90' ], ...
[AERODYN_LOC '\GenSubs.f90' ], ...
[AERODYN_LOC '\AeroSubs.f90' ], ...
[AERODYN_LOC '\Aerodyn.f90' ], ...
'aerodyngateway.f90' );
disp('mex completed')
Everything compiles fine but no mex file is made.

Best Answer

That's because you have the '-c' option, which means compile-only. If you want to link into a mex routine get rid of this option in the mex command.