MATLAB: Mex mxCreateStructMatrix and mxSetFieldByNumber massive Matlab workspace byte use.

mex compiler

I am trying to write a mex c file which creates a structure in matlab. 59mB of structure in C of 6 uint32's becomes 1.5GBs structure in matlab.
I don't know where I'm going wrong with this code.
plhs[13] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, gyro_time_mark.size(), gps_time_field_count, &gps_time_names_pointers[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < gyro_time_mark.size(); i++) {
uint32_t* offset = (uint32_t*)&(gyro_time_mark[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < gps_time_field_count; j++){
mxArray *field_value;
field_value = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
uint32_t* copy = (uint32_t*)mxCalloc(1, sizeof(uint32_t));
std::memcpy(copy, offset, sizeof(int32_t));
mxSetData(field_value, copy);
mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[13], i, j, field_value);
The data in Matlab is correct, its just that the structure in matlab is 1.5GB in size when it should be 50MB. The number of elements is correct and the structure field count and inside types are correct. However the data use is way way above what I would expect.
Instead of a creating a structure , I tried creating an mx6 array and that did come out to ~50mB which is exactly what I would expect. How am I using mxCreateStructMatrix and mxSetFieldByNumber incorrectly?

Best Answer

I will look at this some more tomorrow, but first, this line creates a permanent memory leak:
mxSetData(field_value, copy);
You already have a data pointer that is part of field_value since it was created as a 1x1 matrix, and that data pointer is NOT on the garbage collection list since it is already part of an mxArray. So when you call mxSetData you overwrite this data pointer and lose that memory permanently. The proper way to attach a data pointer to an mxArray is:
mxSetData(field_value, copy);
That being said, you are doing this the hard way. Instead of creating a separate memory block and attaching it to field_value you should be modifying the data area of field_value directly.
What are the values of the following?
Also, realize that each of those mxArray field_value variables takes approx 100+ bytes of memory for overhead. I don't recall the exact number, but suppose it is 120 bytes. Then for each of your uint32 values of 4 bytes, you are adding 120 bytes for the mxArray header stuff. That is an increase of 30x memory. 50MB x 30 = 1500MB = 1.5GB. So this seems to match the memory increase you are seeing if each one of those uint32 values is inside an mxArray field value in a struct. Of course, this points out why you should not store these values in a struct like you are doing ... you should store them in a simple numeric array.