MATLAB: Mex file search path issues


I have two implementations of a function one as an m file and one as a mex file. They live in the same directory, which is on the top of the Matlab path. When I call the function from my home directory, I use the m file, but if I cd to the directory where both the m and mex files are located I end up using the mex file.
For example:
>> cd ~
>> which lookup
>> cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b/toolbox/compecon/CEtools
>> which lookup
Notice that I get the m file in the first case and the mex file in the second. Why this difference? I would always like to use the mex file.

Best Answer

James, you were right. The issue was to do with the toolbox path cache. All that was required was File > Preferences > General > Update Toolbox Path Cache
I had indeed created the mex file after the toolbox was installed.
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