MATLAB: Mex file error when installing libsvm on macosx elcapitan with xcode 7.1.1. and MATLAB R2013a

libsvmmatlab r2013amexxcode7.1.1

Hi there,
I have just updated to OSX ELCapitan 10.11.1 and have MATLAB R2013a and XCode 7.1.1 and trying to install libsvm. I have followed the procedures that I had posted earlier in the following post
which includes the solution proposed in the following links
On compiling the
mex -setup
I am getting
Options files control which compiler to use, the compiler and link command
options, and the runtime libraries to link against.
Using the 'mex -setup' command selects an options file that is
placed in /Users/HP/.matlab/R2013a and used by default for 'mex'. An options
file in the current working directory or specified on the command line
overrides the default options file in /Users/HelenPanni/.matlab/R2013a.
To override the default options file, use the 'mex -f' command
(see 'mex -help' for more information).
The options files available for mex are:
1: /Applications/ :
Template Options file for building MEX-files
0: Exit with no changes
Enter the number of the compiler (0-1):
Overwrite /Users/HP/.matlab/R2013a/ ([y]/n)?
/Applications/ is being copied to
And when I run file
I am getting this error
clang: warning: no such sysroot directory: '-mmacosx-version-min=10.11'
libsvmread.c:1:10: fatal error: 'stdio.h' file not found
#include <stdio.h>
1 error generated.
mex: compile of ' "libsvmread.c"' failed.
If make.m fails, please check README about detailed instructions.

Best Answer

Ok I have got it working just need to change line 136 to this
CFLAGS="-fno-common -arch $ARCHS -isysroot $MW_SDKROOT -mmacosx-version-min=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET -Dchar16_t=UINT16_T"
Follow the above mentioned steps and change line 136 to the above it will work.