MATLAB: Mex Compiler Setup

MATLABmexmex -setupmex compiler

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem. When running mex -setup it finds Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2008, and allows me to select and verify the compiler.
However, following the standard warning about redistributed mex files I get the following error message:
Error using MEX (line 206) Unable to complete successfully.
It then reverts to using the matlab compiler which can't function with the C++ files. I have checked environment variables against somebody else but this doesn't seem to be the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am running MATLAB R2011b and using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition on a 32bit laptop (windows 7). Thanks!

Best Answer

VS 2008 Express isnt supported by 11b:
So what did you do to make MATLAB list it? Try a supported compiler, e.g. VS 2010 Express. After you installed a supported compiler, try to compile the timestwo example:
copyfile([matlabroot '\extern\examples\refbook\timestwo.c'])
mex timestwo.c -v
And post the full output if you recieve any errors.
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