MATLAB: MEX – accessing structure of arrays


Hi all,
I’m looking for some advice in a project in which speed and performance is of great importance.
I created a model which consists of an outer function with 1 for-loop (10 000 iterations) which invokes several custom-made functions. To increase model’s performance, I rewrote the custom-made functions into MEX-functions. This already gave a good speed-up. However, I would also like to place the outer for-loop in a MEX-function. But I have a problem passing data from MATLAB to the MEX-functions. (Note that it’s not possible to vectorize the for-loop).
The data which is known prior to the model’s simulation is saved to a large nested structure of arrays (built in the form of “data.Q.position1” with “position1” an array of 10000 doubles). All arrays containing doubles have the same length. The results of the model will also be written to this structure of arrays (different fieldnames of course, and pre-allocation is done before the for-loop)
So currently, the model is looking like this:
[data] = function model(data)
for i=1:10000
data.Q.position1(i) = MEX-function1(data.WL.position4(i), data.WL.position3(i), );
data.Q.position2(i) = MEX-function1(data.WL.position6(i), data.WL.position12(i), );
data.WL.position7(i) = MEX-function2(data.Q.position1(i), );
I chose for the structure of arrays so I can point easily at the required variables for the function inputs.
So my question is, how can I place the for-loop in a MEX function and what do I have to do with the structure? Will I still by able to refer to the variables like data.WL.position1 etc? I’m really new to MEX and C-language as you will probably notice…
Secondly, and at least equally important, does this whole concept looks good with regard to performance, or are better solutions available?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

There will likely be some speed improvement if you put the loop inside a mex functions. At the m-file level, each time you pass data.WL.position4(i) etc as an argument MATLAB creates a temporary shared data copy of the actual variable and passes that. So there is overhead associated with calling the function in this manner. Inside a mex routine, however, these temporary shared data copies can be avoided by using mxGetField on the data variable directly (returns the actual variable pointer instead of creating a temporary shared data copy). So that part is fairly straightforward. The problem is going to be putting the results back into the data.Q.position1(i) etc positions. In order to do that inside the mex routine and have the for-loop inside the mex routine you will need to modify the data variable "in-place", which is (strictly speaking) against the official rules but can be done. The downside is that you risk unintended side effects if there is any variable sharing going on. Are all of the left-hand-side variables (e.g., data.Q.position1(i)) pristine and not shared with anything? If so, then you can safely modify them in place. An outline is below:
Calling syntax at m-file level:
mymodel(data); % Note: no left-hand-side
Mex function code snippet outline:
mxArray *Q, *WL, *position1, *position2, etc;
mwSize i;
double *pr1, *pr2, *pr3, *pr4, *pr5, *pr6, *pr7, etc;
Q = mxGetField(prhs[0],0,"Q");
WL = mxGetField(prhs[0],0,"WL");
position1 = mxGetField(Q,0,"position1");
position2 = mxGetField(Q,0,"position2");
position4 = mxGetField(Q,0,"position4");
position3 = mxGetField(WL,0,"position3");
position6 = mxGetField(WL,0,"position6");
position7 = mxGetField(WL,0,"position7");
pr1 = mxGetPr(position1);
pr2 = mxGetPr(position2);
pr3 = mxGetPr(position3);
pr4 = mxGetPr(position4);
pr6 = mxGetPr(position6);
pr7 = mxGetPr(position7);
for( i=0; i<10000; i++ ) {
pr1[i] = MEX_function1(pr4[i],pr3[i],etc);
pr2[i] = MEX_function1(pr6[i],pr12[i],etc);
For a robust mex routine, you would need to check variable types and sizes etc before dereferencing any of the pointers (which I did not do above). I will again caution you that this will only work if the left-hand-side stuff has been pre-allocated properly so as not to be shared. Can you post how you are doing this pre-allocation?