MATLAB: Message window in GUI (MatLab)

command window in guiconsole windowedit1message in gui

Hello. I am trying to create a text window in GUI that will be used to display messages/current activity of the program. It should be similar to the Command Window of matlab. That is, when I want to output some message, the message should appear in my text window of the GUI, not in the Command Window. Also, the text window will be used only for output, so no input will be preformed. I use the 'edittext' component as follows:
set(handles.edit1,'String','My message' );
however, next time when I want to output a new message, I want the old message to be present in the message box as well. That is, my message box should accumulate all the messages over time (or at least several most recent strings) just like Command Window or any console window does.
Thank you

Best Answer

oldmsgs = cellstr(get(handles.edit1,'String'));
set(handles.edit1,'String',[oldmsgs;{'My message'}] );
And be sure to set the edit box to 'Enable', 'disable'.
I thought I wrote about this topic just about a week ago, but I cannot seem to find that message.
Automatically position the scroll bar to any particular position in the edit list box requires resorting to the Java level.