MATLAB: Merging two structures using join()

merging with headers

I've imported two xlsx files via importdata() and I'm trying to merge them with join() using a common key 'PitID'. The imported structures each contain data, textdata, and colheaders objects. In my case all colheaders are variable names, while data and textdata contain their respective values.
>> pits = importdata('E:\Sedgwick\Data\GPS\pits.xlsx') field = importdata('E:\Sedgwick\Data\Field\field.xlsx')
pits =
data: [99x7 double]
textdata: {100x7 cell}
colheaders: {'Latitude' 'Longitude' 'Pit_ID' 'GPS_Height' 'Datafile' 'GPS_Date' 'samp_status'}
field =
data: [12x22 double]
textdata: {13x22 cell}
colheaders: {1x22 cell}
>> %% Confirm structure headers pits.colheaders field.colheaders
ans =
'Latitude' 'Longitude' 'Pit_ID' 'GPS_Height' 'Datafile' 'GPS_Date' 'samp_status'
ans =
Columns 1 through 10
'PitID' 'labID' 'date' 'hor_top' 'hor_bot' 'genetic' 'primgen' 'subgen' 'colortype' 'hue'
Columns 11 through 20
'value' 'chroma' 'grade' 'size' 'type' '2grade' '2size' '2type' 'rootquan' 'rootsize'
Columns 21 through 22
'roottype' 'co2'
>> data = join(pits,field,'PitID'); Undefined function 'join' for input arguments of type 'struct'.

Best Answer

Do you mean join, which is part of the Statistics Toolbox and operates on dataset arrays?