MATLAB: Merging two datasets based on two identical rows in each data set


I am looking to compare two datasets and rearrange their values:
array A:
A=[1 150 234,
1 151 234,
3 151 180,
5 152 345,
4 160 674]; % i should compare in the same time column A(:,2) and A(:,3) with B(:,1) and B(:,2)
B=[151 234 10,
152 345 11,
160 674 10
151 180 1,
150 234 5];
% Result should be:
C=A=[1 150 234 5,
1 151 234 10,
3 151 180 1,
5 152 345 11,
4 160 674 10];
I tried to use ismember but it takes into account only one column of each dataset. I would like to search two identical columns in set B and then merge all data in C as showed in example.
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

C=[A B(n,end)]