MATLAB: Merging two cell type matrix

cell arraysdoublematrix manipulation

start_id=[{'p1'};{'p2'};{'p1'};{'p1'};{'p3'}]; %cell

finish_id=[{'p2'};{'p3'};{'p3'};{'p4'};{'p4'}]; %cell
points_id=[{'p1'};{'p2'};{'p3'};{'p4'}]; %cell
for i=1:m
IndexC_minus(:,i) = strfind(start_id, points_id{i});
IndexC_positive(:,i) = strfind(finish_id, points_id{i});
I need to create IndexC_minus_double and IndexC_positive_double matrix as follows;
IndexC_minus_double=[-1 0 0 0;0 -1 0 0;-1 0 0 0;-1 0 0 0;0 0 -1 0]; %for each [1] cell, write -1 numeric and for each [] cell write 0 numeric.
IndexC_positive_double=[0 1 0 0;0 0 1 0;0 0 1 0;0 0 0 1;0 0 0 1]; %for each [1] cell, write 1 numeric and for each [] cell write 0 numeric.
Finally, I need to merge these 2 matrix as below;
merged_matrix=[-1 1 0 0;0 -1 1 0;-1 0 1 0;-1 0 0 1;0 0 -1 1]; % overlapped 0 produces 0 in the merged_matrix. The location of 1 and -1 in the IndexC_minus_double and IndexC_positive_double matrix are the same in the merged_matrix.

Best Answer

merged_matrix = bsxfun(@strcmp,finish_id,points_id')...
- bsxfun(@strcmp,start_id,points_id');
[~,~,c] = unique([start_id;finish_id;points_id]);
ii = zeros(numel(c),1);
n = cellfun(@numel,{start_id;finish_id;points_id});
ii(cumsum(n) - n + 1) = 1;
ii = cumsum(ii);
c3 = c(ii == 3)';
merged_matrix = bsxfun(@eq,c(ii==2),c3) - bsxfun(@eq,c(ii==1),c3)
in your case
v = {start_id;finish_id;points_id};
for ii = 1:3
a = regexp(v{ii},'\d','match');
v{ii} = str2double(cat(1,a{:}));
merged_matrix = bsxfun(@eq,v{2},v{3}') - bsxfun(@eq,v{1},v{3}');
other variant
n = numel(points_id);
s = repmat(start_id,1,n);
f = repmat(finish_id,1,n);
nn = repmat(points_id',numel(finish_id),1);
merged_matrix = strcmp(f,nn) - strcmp(s,nn);