MATLAB: Merge relative cells elements into single cell

cellcell arraycell arraysMATLAB

I have:
A = {[1:2]';[1:3]';[1:4]'};
B = {[2:3]';[2:4]';[2:5]'};
C = {[3:4]';[3:5]';[3:6]'};
I would like to merge the above listed cells to get the following:
D = {[1:2;2:3;3:4]';[1:3;2:4;3:5]';[1:4;2:5;3:6]'};
I tried something like this but can't get my head around it:
D = cellfun(@(a,b,c) {a{:} b{:} c{:}},A,B,C,'UniformOutput',false);
Can someone please help?
Thank you!

Best Answer

D = cellfun(@vertcat,A,B,C,'UniformOutput',false);