MATLAB: Merge all rows in a cell into one row

cell arraysMATLAB

Hey all, Here is my 40 x 32 cell.
I want to merge all 40 rows into one row. So in the output, I would like to have a 1 x 1280 cell. 1280 is 40 * 32.
I searched and tried to use
result = num2cell(NewC2LatLon,2);
But it gave me totally wrong answers.
Thank you all.

Best Answer

Similar to numeric arrays writting NewC2LatLon(:) returns all the all elements of the array in a single column. However, I think what you want is to take the second row and add it to the right of the first, and so on. You can do that as follows:
NewC2LatLon = NewC2LatLon.';
NewC2LatLon = NewC2LatLon(:).';